
All *.dll files are properties of their respective owners. Dll.repair does not claim ownership of any *.dll files that are available on the site.

All *.dll files found on this site are provided on an as is basis. There are no guarantees that the files will work. By downloading a file off Dll.repair the user accepts all risks of any damages that may occur, including but not limited to loss of data, damage to hardware or software, and any profits lost. Files listed on the site have not been tested so the user is at their own risk. All files on the site have been scanned with the latest antivirus software before uploading. But please make sure to virus scan each file before attempting to install, we are not responsible for viruses or other errors that occurs from downloading the files on our site.

Dll.repair assumes that files presented to us by users are free for distribution. If you find a file that should not be distributed freely please let us know and we will remove the file. The site was created to help others with computer problems, we are not trying to break copyright laws.

Dll.repair is not responsible for any external links found on our site. We use various advertisers and content providers and are not responsible for the content or errors that might occur from these companies.

All other files besides *.dll files are the property of Dll.repair , these files include but are not limited to *.gif, *.jpg, *.html, *.htm, *.txt, and *.php files. Duplication of any of these files is strictly prohibited unless given consent by Dll.repair .

This disclaimer along with other portions of the Dll.repair website can change without notice. It is your responsibility as a user to keep update with our terms and policies.